“How to Make the World a Better Place” is an ongoing program spearheaded by the good folks at Heritage Presbyterian Church, of presentations and learning opportunities for people of all ages in the Benicia community.
See our BETTER WORLD EVENTS page for details on our remaining events planned for the year.
While living our busy lives, it’s natural to focus on our schedule, our problems, our plans, and yet miss what is going on around us. Then something draws your focus to an issue, a mess that needs to be cleaned up, a problem someone else is struggling with, the news on TV, even the mood of people around you. It’s possible to get a grip on life and DO SOMETHING that will improve the common good, however slightly.
Here are ACTIONS that make change:
- Learning (observation, researching, analyzing, thinking in new ways)
- Writing (postcards, opinion pieces, news releases, opinion pieces, informational articles, poetry, plays, books)
- Speaking (discussing, debating, convincing, giving testimony)
- Acting (meeting, organizing, protesting, leading)
And finally:
- Learn all you can about the issue of concern. Read. Notice the details – what is really going on? What’s already being done?
- Decide to do something to help. Half the battle is deciding to move forward and act.
- Try to enlist others to work with you. Social action can be lonely; a group gets more attention. The bigger the group – the more attention.
- Don’t wait too long; do something soon! The fate of the world (or at least a small part of it) is waiting for YOU to act.