
Fellowship is a time for reflecting on our purpose in life and to support one another through both the ups and the downs of life. We are truly a family.

Our church is blessed that we have both a sanctuary and a fellowship hall, fondly named Heritage Hall. The hall has two areas for study rooms.

The main hall is available for outside use. We also have a kitchen, which is only available to members of the church. It is equipped with a gas oven and sink.

Each month, one parish is responsible for providing refreshments after worship. Normally, those refreshments consist of both healthy and sweet snacks, in addition to coffee, tea, and juice.

Some of our special Sunday celebrations include:

  • Birthdays and anniversaries on the third Sunday of each month
  • On Maundy Thursday  a simple dinner of soup, salad, and bread before celebrating the Last Supper .
  • We celebrate Easter with fruit and special Easter breads provided by the congregation.
  • On Recognition Sunday, generally the first Sunday in June, the Fellowship elders host an  ice cream social.
  • Back to Church Sunday in September, with a potluck picnic.
  • All-church Thanksgiving dinner on the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving.

Other opportunities, independent of our worship service, include a monthly women’s gathering.

The wealth of our church is not just in the weekly worship but also in the friendships we make.

To encourage people to continue to learn and grow, we have a Lenten program and, more recently, a fall program. Each program includes three sessions, and generally runs for six weeks.

Fellowship is an ongoing affair. Our Fellowship elders are always open to learning about other opportunities to keep our members connected.

See our monthly calendar for a current schedule of events.